A few meters further on and turning right, I reached a place from where I could take more photos of the river bed in front of the southern entrance. This is where my crime scene inspection ends.
Tristan Brübach was born on 3 October 1984 in Frankfurt am Main to parents Iris and Bernd.
Iris died of cancer in 1995, leaving Bernd to raise Tristan alone.
I often walk by here with the dog.
Our guest author Sunny Beatz follows the traces of the last hours of Tristan Bruebach. Am 26. Ich habe den Beitrag nochmal überarbeitet, angepasst und verbessert. Christian Brueckner, the man suspected of killing Maddie, is now under investigation. Dann komm mit mir auf die Reise um die Welt der Morde und Verbrechen . In 1998, 13-year-old Tristan Brubach (pictured), was brutally murdered in Frankfurt, Germany. Oktober 2020; Mordfall Frauke Liebs: Polizei, Profiler, Medien, Mutter Ingrid Liebs mit ihrer “Nieheim-Hure”, sind kriminalistische Rohrkrepierer und VERHINDERN mit Denkfehler-Schweinerei die Aufklärung 6. Today they are located on the opposite side, next to the travel centre. I then left the trail behind me on the right side and followed the path further on.
Alle Artikel aus Deutschland von Glonaabot mit dem Label #Tristan Brübach-Christian B.-Maddie McCann The trail at the south entrance | © SunnyBeatz
After arriving at the north entrance of the tunnel, I noticed - as on the opposite side - that the gate was open. Back at the station building, it becomes immediately noticeable that the entrance area, as well as the immediate surroundings, are exceptionally well frequented.
Near the Frankfort-Hochst Train Station, in the outskirts of Frankfort, Germany you will find the Liederbach Tunnel. Kannst du niemals genug von True Crime bekommen ?? I met here apparent commuters, pausing construction workers, people who were in the various cafés and conveyance stores and countless young people who were loitering there. Updated: 16 Jun 2020, 15:30 GERMAN authorities are probing if the main suspect in the Madeleine McCann investigation is linked to the rape and murder of a 13-year-old boy, it is reported. Tristan Bruebach - more than 20 years after at the crime scene (June 27, 2020)
Unfortunately, it was not possible to descend there either, as it was an extremely steep slope. Juni 2020, 18:51 Uhr. However, a passer-by told me on my inquiry that "not much has changed here. Juni 2020) in Sachen Tristan Brübach; Media. I don't know when they do that either.
Due to the high vegetation in the current season (end of June 2020) it is neither possible to reach the river bed in front of the entrance nor to have a view of the whole southern entrance. This description could have been a good 90% of the people present at the station and its surroundings on that day. März 1998 in Frankfurt-Höchst ermordet. Juni 2020; Also doch Tierstimmen im Bekenneranruf: Seit 22 Jahren vertrottelt die Polizei Fahndungschancen und EXTRA: Fall Maddie 14. For many years, the dimly lit tunnel was used by neighborhood kids as a shortcut to schools and playgrounds.
Elaine Nix. According to the information board, the plant was "overhauled" towards the end of autumn 2019. It is much more isolated and can only be found today if you know the area. Unsere True-Crime-Serie zeigt: Über Jahre gingen die Ermittler jeder Spur nach.
Dies sei aber nichts Ungewöhnliches, sondern eine Routinemaßnahme. The man suspected of having killed Maddie McCann is now under investigation for the murder of Tristam Brübach. After I entered the entrance area shown above through the right door (seen from the inside), the first thing I noticed was the red convenience store. 16 June 2020 Maddie McCann suspect Christian B. is investigated over murder of Tristan Brübach The man suspected of having killed Maddie McCann is now under investigation for the murder of Tristam Brübach. Dieser Cold Case begleitet mich schon seit über 20 Jahren und hier im Blog berichtet ich seit über 10 Jahren über den Fall.
Here I saw for the first time that some parts of the Liederbach were not dry, contrary to my expectations.
Tristan Bruebach und Christian B. ? Oktober 2020; Mordfall Frauke Liebs: Polizei, Profiler, Medien, Mutter Ingrid Liebs mit ihrer “Nieheim-Hure”, sind kriminalistische Rohrkrepierer und VERHINDERN mit Denkfehler-Schweinerei die Aufklärung 6. Now, Trump h... Trump's whimsical legacy - that of a break clown
If you go back the same way, you also pass a playground very close to the tunnel. Juni 2020) in Sachen Tristan Brübach » Instagram Seite zum Podcast mit Bildern : crimearoundtheworld
I took some more pictures of the surroundings, talked to a few passers-by on my way back and then drove home - packed with impressions and emotions. According to the female witness, the last time Tristan was seen alive here was at 3:20 pm sitting on a park bench. Every reader can imagine the perpetrator's atrocities very clearly in this sequence. In the morning, at noon and in the evening I go for a walk, and if it was still open in the evening, it was suddenly closed in the morning with my first round. Do they do it overnight?
Momentan prüft die Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt eine Verbindung zum Mordfall Tristan, da Christian B. Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Phantombild aufweist. A prosecutor from Frankfurt says, they are checking whether there are any connections between the two cases. The crime must never be forgotten. After a short orientation phase in the entrance area of the station, I first decided to visit the Bruno-Asch-Anlage, which was located in the eastern direction of my position.
After a short comparison with the video recordings of Tristan at the station, it should have been taken from exactly this convenience store. Accountant of deat... Update November 4th, 2020
Station Hoechst /exit in the direction of Adelonstraße| © SunnyBeatz
The path towards the north entrance / Unterliederbachtunnel| © SunnyBeatz, North entrance Unterliederbach tunnel / surroundings | © SunnyBeatz
13. He attended Walter Kolb Primary School in Höchst before going to secondary school in Sindlingen, another suburb of Frankfurt. Mehr aktuelle News finden Sie hier. Path to the place of the crime (southern entrance to Liederbachtunnel) | © SunnyBeatz. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Tristan is said to have walked between 15:20 and 15:30 from the Bruno-Asch-Anlage to the south entrance of the tunnel.
Wer war Tristan Brübach? Tristan Brübach wurde am 3.
| Mordfall Tristan Brübach Every reader can imagine the perpetrator's atrocities very clearly in … The measured time to pass through the installation (directly, at average speed, measured about 3 minutes). In meinem Podcast erzähle ich euch jeden folge einen spannenden Fall aus einem anderen Land . I looked around there for a while and then decided to go back the way I came and visit the north side of the tunnel. Tristans Mörder ist noch frei. Riverbed in front of the southern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel | © SunnyBeatz
September 2020 Januar 5th, 2021. Tristan Brübach: Frankfurts düsterster Mordfall. Depending on the walking speed, the time was reduced to about 4 ½ minutes. Die Frankfurter Staatsanwaltschaft überprüft im Fall Tristan Brübach einen möglichen Zusammenhang mit dem in Kiel inhaftierten Christian B., dem Verdächtigen im Fall Maddie McCann.
If you follow the route to the northern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel, you will first pass a building of the GRC on the right side of the sidewalk and a little further on a playground, which is located directly at the Liederbach tunnel. "In the past, they used to close it again and again, although today it is sometimes open for weeks. Bruno-Asch-Anlage | © SunnyBeatz
In the afternoon, shortly after four o'clock, I started my journey from Frankfurt / Main - equipped with a city map and my camera - in the direction of Hoechst, to get a personal impression of the scene of the crime and its surroundings in the murder case "Tristan Bruebach". A small walkway and river egress which leads underneath the train tracks above. An e-fit of the suspect in Tristan Brubach’s case and a picture of Christian Brueckner (centre) The man suspected of murdering Madeleine McCann … März 1998 wurde die Leiche des damals 13-jährigen Tristan Brübach in einer Unterführung am Bahnhof Frankfurt-Höchst gefunden.
Bis heute ist der grausame Mord ungeklärt. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 29. We are no police officers but we endorse the police investigations. With the social networ... Photo's from the south entrance / crime scene | © SunnyBeatz, Die Stem van die Apartheid (2/1999) - Shadows of the Night- the Murder of Dr Robert Van Schalkwyk Smit », Trump's million march seems more like a two-bit fr…, Perhaps Trump sets the execution method for himsel…, Trump falsifies the presidential election in front…, Trump heralds the end of Twitter - a presidential …, Tristan Bruebach - more than 20 years after at the crime scene.
To get to the southern entrance of the tunnel, I walked past the station building and the bus stop and then turned a little further right onto a smaller path. Hat Christian B. auch den 13-jährigen Tristan aus Frankfurt getötet? For this walking distance, I measured the time of about 5 minutes. The playground near the south entrance of the Liederbach tunnel | © SunnyBeatz
After his stay at the station, Tristan is said to have set off in a westerly direction to the Unterliederbach tunnel. There is also an information board, as well as a smaller, paved square with a conspicuously large number of male alcohol drinkers. Von Nadine Peter und Frederik Voss 28. März 1998 in Frankfurt-Höchst. Dezember 15, 2020 Der Mord an Tristan Brübach.
Bruno-Asch-Anlage | © SunnyBeatz
Way to the place of the crime (southern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel) | © SunnyBeatz
Christian B. looks similar to an phantom composite of the man suspected of killing Tristan. At the end of the layout, I went to the opposite side of the tunnel and went back towards the station.
More in this category: « Erschreckende Details im Fall Madeleine McCann - Verdacht auf einen internationalen Pädophilenring aus Deutschland Begehung der Örtlichkeiten (27. A miserable but never forgotten crime
I first looked at the immediate vicinity of the north entrance, where I noticed that there are relatively many places in the vicinity where (possibly) children are staying.
“In itself, however, this is not unusual, but routine.” So far there is no evidence that Christian B. is actually the murderer of Tristan. Dezember 2019 Im Sommer 2020 … The 13-year-old student was killed in 1998 in an underpass of the Liederbach Canal …
or ONLINE on the website of the German Federal Criminal Office. Februar 2020; Strafanzeige gegen die Polizei … und weshalb der Fall Tristan Bruebach momentan nicht aufklärbar ist, was man aber dennoch tun kann 23. Tristan was described as shy but very streetwise, spending a lot of his free time walking around his neighbourhood … So I had to assume that today's appearance is not the same as in 1998. Juni 2020) Juni 2020) Am Nachmittag, um kurz nach vier Uhr startete ich – ausgestattet mit einem Stadtplan und meiner Kamera - meine Reise von Frankfurt am Main, in Richtung Höchst, um mir persönlich ein Bild vom damaligen Tatort und dessen Umgebung im Mordfall „ Tristan Brübach “ zu machen.
Being a typical teenager in 1999, eighteen-year old Elaine Nix called her boyfriend Billy … Beim Mordfall Tristan handelt es sich um den ungeklärten Mord an dem 13-jährigen Tristan Brübach aus Frankfurt am Main am 26. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Tristan Brübach - Begehung der Örtlichkeiten (27. Tristan Brübach war noch kurz vor seinem Tod gesehen worden. Brübach grew up in Höchst and Unterliederbach, both suburban neighbourhoods on the outer fringes of Frankfurt. LIVE: President Donald J Trump ht... Update May 28, 2020
On March 26th, 1998, thirteen-year-old Tristan Brübach went to school (in the Höchst district of Frankfurt). Must be...", Northern entrance Unterliederbachtunnel - Standing on the bridge | © SunnyBeatz, North entrance Unterliederbach tunnel - standing in the river bed | © SunnyBeatz, Unterliederbachtunnel - Standing behind the grid | © SunnyBeatz. NOV 22, 2020; Gegen das Vergessen- Mord an Tristan Brübach I ungelöst Gegen das Vergessen- Mord an Tristan Brübach I ungelöst.
He had tried to skip class, telling both his father and his teachers that he needed to see a doctor, but he would be in-attendance for most of the school day.Early that afternoon, Tristan would be granted an early release (by school officials) to see a doctor.
Scene of crime (southern entrance of Liederbach tunnel) | © SunnyBeatz
Die Leiche des 13-jährigen Tristan liegt im März 1998 in einem Tunnel in Frankfurt. After following the path mentioned above for a few meters, I first came across the trail mentioned above, from which the 12-year-old witness claims to have seen a man with a black cap and a blond, long ponytail crawling up the path shortly after Tristan's murder.
Bruno-Asch-Anlage | © SunnyBeatz
The murder case to the detriment of the then 13-year-old The wall phones should have been installed in the area next to this kiosk in 1998. On March 26th, 1998, thirteen-year-old Tristan Brübach went to school (in the Höchst district of Frankfurt). ... Der Fall Tristan Brübach. Surprisingly, a few steps further on, I found another path towards the river bed before the southern entrance.
Nobody seems to be bothered by the fact, as a passer-by later told me that this had probably been the case for quite a while. Tristan Bruebach und Christian B. ? Please share this page to show this unsolved murder to as many people as possible. The benches were renewed."
Entrance area Bahnhof Hoechst | © SunnyBeatz
Dezember 15, 2020 Der Mord an Tristan Brübach Wer tötete Tristan Brübach? To reach the northern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel, I entered the station building for the first time, which had to be crossed. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
On both sides of the tunnel, there is a children's playground less than two minutes' walk away, and the young people mentioned above also seemed to use these places. I want to point out explicitly that the tunnel is by far not as fluctuating as the station area!
Scene of crime (southern entrance of the Liederbach tunnel) | © SunnyBeatz. Dezember 2020 um 11:17 Uhr bearbeitet.
Here you can read the story of Tristan Bruebach. Es ist der 26.März 1998, als der 13-jährige Tristan Brübach in Frankfurt-Höchst auf eine bis dahin weltweit noch nicht dokumentierte Art und Weise grausam ermordet wird. When I observed these people, I immediately remembered the description of the above witness, who said that she saw "two foreign-looking, male persons" sitting on the bench with Tristan. (© OpenStreetMap contributors / License: ODbL, note: www.openstreetmap.org/copyright)
Beim Mordfall Tristan handelt es sich um den ungeklärten Mord an dem 13-jährigen Tristan Brübach aus Frankfurt am Main am 26. I first walked the path on the right to the end of the layout. We’re working independently from any associations and all other online presences on the murder of Tristan. There he finally died.
Twitter and Trump
In the following article, I will report about these impressions and my findings.
Trump leaves behind a shambles that once called itself the USA
Der 13-jährige Tristan Brübach wurde bestialisch ermordet. Especially the young people seemed to watch the events at the station very closely. In addition, any other German police department will accept indications.
This website was developed voluntarily and serves no commercial purposes. Vergebens. Edited on 6/16/2019: Manfred Seel was eliminated as Tristan Bruebach’s killer. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
From the Wikipedia entry on Seel: At the time, Seel’s participation in the murder of Tristan Brübach was not excluded. ... Parallelen zu alten Fällen werden nun weiter geprüft - wie etwa im Fall des 13-jährigen Tristan Brübach aus Frankfurt. Incredible brutality of a mentally disturbed perpetrator. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Der 13-jährige Tristan Brübach aus Frankfurt am Main, wurde am 26. Seitdem versucht die Polizei den Fall aufzuklären. Tristan Bruebach - more than 20 years after at the crime scene (June 27, 2020) A miserable but never forgotten crime Our guest author Sunny Beatz follows the traces of the last hours of Tristan Bruebach. Noch gibt es keinerlei Hinweise darauf, dass Christian B. tatsächlich der Mörder von Tristan Brübach sein könnte. I then went through the building towards Adelonstraße, where I turned left at the end.