Publiziert am 19. Modulkatalog. Master of Arts in Sociology According to a decision made by the school council of the School of Social Sciences on 03 May 2017. professional specialization, its international orientation. … Our innovative teaching methods and consistent quality management contribute … bwl lmu master. Mannheim Business School will contact students by e-mail with further instructions about completing their application. Data Sheet Hochschule Mannheim Update: September 28, 2017 . Degree Granted Master of Science Full program title is “MSc Mannheim Master in Management”. Modulkatalog „Mannheim Master in Management“ (M.Sc.) Module no. ... OPM 762 Master Colloquium Production Management - G/E G/E OPM 763 Basics of scientific writing for final theses - G/E G/E OPM 765 Introduction to scientific writing and presentation for term papers Our internationally leading professors in the field of business administration teach and challenge you daily to apply new … The program is … The : 0621-181-1321 Mail: meta.geisbuesch(@) If you want to study business administration in Germany, you will not find a better business school than Mannheim. Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation: Starting Point for Your Career in Accounting or Taxation. Intercultural German Studies (Mannheim) 2016 ( … in Sociology of the School of Social Sciences of the University of Mannheim Der Mannheim Master in Data Science ermutigt Menschen wie mich, die nicht aus der Informatik kommen, im neuen Berufsfeld Data Science Fuß zu fassen. Contact Meta Geisbüsch Room: 114 Phone. Das Veranstaltungs­angebot besteht aus einer Auswahl von Vorlesungen und Seminaren der Areas Management und Marketing. I. Module: Foundations of Sociological Theory II. Geschichte 2016 ( PDF , 102 KB ) Modulkatalog M.A. Bei den vorliegenden Versionen handelt es sich um sogenannte nichtamtliche Lesefassungen.Maßgeblich und rechtlich verbindlich sind nur die in den Bekanntmachungen des Rektorats veröffentlichten Satzungen (über das Uni-Netz verfügbar). “Mannheim Master in Management” 0 – 18 Specialization Courses Six to seven Specialization Courses, at least five of which must be from one Specialization Track. Universitt Mannheim (Stand: 16.02.2015)-1- Aufbau und Konzept des Studiengangs Der Bachelor-Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre bietet Studierenden eine umfassende wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Grundlagenausbildung. ”Mannheim Master in Data Science“ University of Mannheim – Module catalog – for students starting before spring 2020 Academic Year HWS 2020/ FSS 2021 I. Module: Foundations of Sociological Theory II. 1, 19 Abs. Data Sheet Hochschule Mannheim . Als Studienschwerpunkte sind u. a. Bioverfahrenstechnik und regenerative Energien wählbar. 12 Master … It gives you the knowhow to apply those skills in business administration in various technological settings. The Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation aims to provide young professionals in the fields of accounting and taxation with the theoretical basis as well as the practical skills necessary to successfully meet the demands of their business. Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für das Beifach Volkswirtschaftslehre der Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Mannheim vom 13. For each module and each type of course, these catalogs contain information on the content, the required coursework and examinations, the workload you have to expect, the number of ECTS credits you will receive and the competencies you should have acquired at the and of the semester, i.e. Courses from the module catalog of the “Mannheim Mas-ter in Management” 18 (at least) Specialization Courses Specialization Courses 36 Projects and Seminars Team Project, Scientific Research and Seminars 18 Master’s Thesis Six-month-long written academic assignment 30 Total 120 Abbreviations: The Mannheim Master of Accounting & Taxation aims to provide young professionals in the fields of accounting and taxation with the theoretical basis as well as the practical skills necessary to successfully meet the demands of their business. Special Notes Structure and Conception of the Program The "Mannheim Master in Management” (MMM) offers a unique curriculum that allows through specializations within the areas or the covering Our Business School is the most reputed institution of its kind in Germany, located in the heart of Germany and Europe. 9 Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG) hat der Senat die nachfolgende Satzung am 06.06.2012 beschlossen. Betriebswirtschaftslehre (B.Sc.). Hohe Praxisrelevanz der akademischen Ausbildung ist unser Kennzeichen. This version applies to the students admitted to the M.A. zu belegen sind. mannheim-master-in-management. Master of Arts in Political Science Valid from the Fall Semester 2017 for the Joint Examination Regulations for the Master of Arts (M.A.) Juni 2012 Aufgrund der §§ 34 Abs. in Political Science and Master of Arts (M.A.) 36 – 42 Team Project Practical project work in a team. in Sociology from fall semester 2016. Der Studien­gang ist sehr innovativ und kombiniert Kurse in Statistik und Mathematik mit Kursen in Daten­management und Datenanalyse. Module catalog „Mannheim Master in Management“ (M.Sc.) Master of Science (M.Sc.) Universität Mannheim für das akademische Jahr … Name of module Offered LanguageECTS IS 510 Process Management MMM* E6 IS 540 ManagementofEnterprise Systems MMM* E 6 IS 512 IT Management in the Digital Age MMM* E6 IS 513 Applied IT Management in the Digital Age MMM* E6 IS 541 Methods and Theories in Information Systems MMM* E6 IS 651 Behavioral Perspectives on E‐Business MMM* E 6 Modulkatalog Mannheim Master in Management (M.Sc.) General Information Name of Institution Hochschule Mannheim Mannheim University of Applied Sciences ERASMUS Code D MANNHEI03 EUC Number 29715-EPP-1-2014-1-DE-EPPKA3-ECHE PIC Number 974528446 Website (German) Mannheim Master in Management (MMM) Course registration Students should check the module catalog if they are willing to ... 2017/2016_03_15_Modulkatalog_MSc_Wima_2016_2017.pdf Political Science Course registration Students need to register for lectures. 1 Satz 2 Nr. Bitte sprechen Sie die Abholung zuvor mit dem jeweils für Ihr Anliegen zuständigen … Tel: 0670-3598567. Detaillierte Informationen zu den Modulen finden sich in Teil II. Students have to complete it by their deadline. Wirtschaftsmathematik der Universität Mannheim - Modulkatalog Akademisches Jahr HWS 2017 / FSS 201 der neue modulkatalog ist auch schon raus. 4 talking about this. Literatur, Medien und Kultur der Moderne 2017 (PDF , 138 KB ) Modulkatalog M.A. There is a separate module catalog for each of our degree programs. Universität Mannheim (Stand: 13.9.2017) - 2 - Aufbau und Konzept des Studiengangs Der Mannheim Master in Management (MMM) bietet ein einzigartiges Lehrangebot, das durch Spezialisierungen innerhalb der Areas oder aber die Abdeckung eines breiten Spektrums an unterschiedlichen betriebswirtschaftlichen Fächern eine vollständig. General Information Name of Institution Hochschule Mannheim Mannheim University of Applied Sciences ERASMUS Code D MANNHEI03 EUC Number 29715-EPP-1-2014-1-DE-EPPKA3-ECHE PIC Number 974528446 Website (German) Data Sheet Hochschule Mannheim . Modulkatalog B.Sc. Hinweis zur … Unternehmens­jurist/ in (PDF , 823 KB ... Wahlfach BWL (PDF , 3 MB ) Merkblatt zum Wahlfach BWL (PDF , 178 KB ) Informationen zum Auslands­studium. modulkatalog management master uni hohenheim. Im Sachfach Betriebs­wirtschafts­lehre belegen Sie Lehr­veranstaltungen aus dem Mannheim Master in Management im Umfang von 36 ECTS-Punkten. Modulkatalog „Betriebswirtschaftslehre“ (B.Sc.) Courses from the module catalog of the “Mannheim Master in Management” 18 (at least) Specialization Courses Specialization Courses 36 Projects and Seminars Team Project, Scientific Research and Seminars 18 Master’s Thesis Six-month-long written academic assignment 30 Total 120 Abbreviations: View Modulkatalog_MMM_Deutsch.pdf from AA 1Modulkatalog „Mannheim Master in Management“ (M.Sc.) WiWi Gast 26.06.2014. MMM Mannheim Master of Management University 2015 by bernd5schneider in Types > Brochures, university, y master These slides will be available for download on the following website: August 31th 2018 Introductory Session for Master Students 3 Electives from other departments Law (MCBL) Course registration An e-mail has to be sent with all courses to: Exam registration Exams should be registered through the portal during the registration period. Master’s Thesis (24 ECTS credits) Distinctive for the "Mannheim Master in Management” is next to the high degree of. University of Mannheim (Last update: 02.04.2013) - 1 - Index 1. The Track also includes a seminar and the key qualification “Scientific Research”. Mannheim Master in Business Research “Finance” - 3 Track ”Finance“: Curriculum Semester 1 Field C/E 1 Name of Module ECTS ECO 2 C E 601 Advanced Microeconomics 10 M3 C E 603 Advanced Econometrics 10 FIN 4 C FIN 500 Investments 6 FIN C FIN 910 Area Seminar 1 Besides the possibility to apply for a. study abroad, the students of the MMM have the opportunity to … Number of Seats 1 student. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies. Module: Sociological Research Fields III. in Sociology from the fall semester 2017. Detaillierte Informationen zu den Modulen finden sich in Teil II. Master of Arts in Sociology According to a decision made by the school council of the School of Social Sciences on XX XXX 2015 This version applies to students admitted to the M.A. modulkatalog management master uni hohenheim About; Contacts; FAQ; Fotos Module: Cross-Sectional Data Analysis Modulkatalog M.A. Mannheim Master in Management. Data Sheet Hochschule Mannheim Update: May 7, 2019.