Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. More. SSSniperwolf's Fan Community. (600+ Wonderful emojis for you to enjoy!) Another feature of this Discord server would be to gather information […] We have: - Emojis! There are many emojis varying from bts, red velvet, twice, txt, exo, blackpink and many other kpop groups! Join Obsidian forum. Daily Giveaways, Events! To disable the Community Server settings, head back into your Server Settings, and then select the Overview tab (under the Community header) in the left side bar! With Huge YouTubers having Played such as PewDiePie! Search for the best discord servers out there! This helps keep things organized and running smoothly. One kind that we found very useful are the ones that track users’ activity patterns and engagement. If you see any activity that violates these guidelines, you can report it to us by filling out this form. INVITE LINK: discord.gg/pp We are a Strong Minecraft Server Community since 2014! Check out our YouTube channel to learn more about Playfull. Hello! ˊˎ- About the server: • Secret's Jungle is a community for my Twitch channel and for Discord users as well, it don't matter where ya came from , you can talk about a lot of different topic and meet greet people. You´l have to be the judge that. This article's going to walk you through the next steps to evolve your basic Discord server into a formidable server. Easily customizable & chill community server Home Bots Servers Templates Search. You can learn about things like peak hours which are the times most members are online. Show and talk about your Discord server on stream. ... fivem discord server açıklaması 2,647 86 Gelişmiş Sunucu Chat, Gaming, Music … Start creating your own community with our awesome templates. Enter your business name to generate and edit unlimited logos This is an youtube growth community. Discord Server aus der Kategorie Community. We also have EU4 campaigns. Only have the number of moderators that makes sense for your server. Amazing community discord server. | 7,622 members This is a community server made for ppl of all ages. Roblox, Gaming View Join 126 445,200 members 384 emotes Anime Soul Discord Anime Discord | Gaming | Social | Fun | LoL community with 240+ emotes, join us today! Something that works for one server may not work for you, so focus on yourself and how you can improve. It’s also nice to create a personal connection with the people who use your product. A mistake some people make is using Discord as an advertising or self-promotion platform. The Most Active Discord Server. - Game Roles & Various Reaction roles. It's been amazing to watch it grow into what it is today - a place where millions of diverse communities exist and people connect with old friends and new. These moderators should also be highly active and engaging within the server themselves. Be mindful of this, and only use bots you truly find useful and have a good impact on your server. **wonderful server. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Are you also a fan of SSSniperwolf?. Let’s make play more fulfilling , Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. P.S. in this server you can advertise your channel and your yt videos! Discord servers categorized as Community. It's a server for Instagram @yourlordandsaviormemejesus. Check out the DevForum Community Server community on Discord - hang out with 7,266 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat. The Discord server has the purpose of bringing people from the ProMods community together and be an additional source of information and updates. P.S. just a Community Server. Don’t forget to only hand over mod permissions to people you can fully trust. Discord Names: Everybody is loving the new way of chatting with friends and sharing photos and videos online having all the tools we need at discord servers. Social community server, come check us out! To create a worthwhile server for your users, host events like competitions, giveaways, tournaments, content community, etc. Once you are in the Overview tab, scroll down until you see the Disable Community section, and then press Disable Community. Join our community. Build your own kingdom. These will help take some of the load off you by taking care of tasks like checking for profanity, setting the names of roles, etc. You've got tons of friends and followers, and you need a bit more than your standard server to foster the community of your dreams. We can't wait to see what's next. If you see a Partner badge next to the server’s name, you know it’s one of the best communities out there. - Active VCs almost 24/7. Discord is a great way for brands or small communities, no matter how niche, to come together and find a space where they can discuss mutual interests. in this server you can advertise your channel and your yt videos! ... Hello everyone come and join my discord server and have fun we even have our own SMP server you can join anytime all you have to do is join my discord server and done. We can do this through community League of Legends tournaments or Playfull streams. Use Template. With over 125,000 members, we also have a rewarding leveling system, premium bots, and fun bots such as a really well set up economy bot, pokecord bot, waifu collector, and several NSFW bots. Not affiliated with Discord. If you are going to use this server template please look at the note i added below the ¨Member (Level 0+) role. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. If there are questions or concerns, these are the people users will go to. We wanted a user-facing channel where we can answer all your questions and also just get to know you guys! Meme Jesus Mafia is the official #1 active Discord server in text chat. ---In this server, we don't talk political - we talk about our favorite moments on Discord, such as Gaming (Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, etc), Special Moments in our lives (Gaming, Community), etc. Are you looking for a friendly community? Start creating your own community with our awesome templates. If you’re looking to add a multipurpose bot to your Discord server, GAwesome is a perfect choice. This is an youtube growth community. Here are 5 ways we’ve used over on the Playfull server to increase and maintain engagement: This could either be the Community Managers from your brand itself or designated users within the community who want to take on a larger role in running the server. The Discord Partner Program is designed to reward quality, engaged servers with recognition and extra tools to help them invest in their community. 49-Premium Bump. Join our Discord and be a part of the community! Still, we want to be clear about the expectations for our users. ** **It's basically the server you wished for. Start building your Discord Server business with the perfect logo, whether you want an emphasis on the discord or an associated business, Logo.com’s logo generator will help you find your new logo. Our community guidelines are meant to explain what is and isn’t allowed on Discord, and ensure that everyone has a good experience. You are unique, so don’t worry about copying other servers. Minecraft Community Server. Post on your communities official Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or other social media platform. Obsidian Discord server. Made by Folium. MachineRay: Using AI to Create Abstract Art, Generating Art With Artificial Intelligence Powered Applications. List of Top Discord Bots 1. You can even have a chat bot post it in your Twitch Chat and a panel below your stream that links to your server with a description. Find public discord servers to join and chat, or list your discord server here! A good one we use is called Statbot. It's been amazing to watch it grow into what it is today - a place where millions of diverse communities exist and people connect with old friends and new. We schedule HoI4 games every week. Yes, discord usernames, or as we say discord server nicknames have to be chosen with a unique approach, and when you are on discord for fun and cool stuff, you should pick the relative username or server name too. This is a friendly International Community server, focusing on Paradox games. Discord should be used to create an organic connection with your community. Easily customizable & chill community server. Play League, Win Rewards. You should create a Discord server with the right intentions. You want to show your users that you care about them and that they are valued in this server. The Kawaii Cafe is a discord server for making friends and finding people to play minecraft with - we are adding a SMP soon! You're not satisfied with the bare-bones of Discord's permissions capabilities. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. Today we want to announce that we have opened a Discord community server as an additional platform to interact with us. How to build a healthy and supportive community in Discord . 5869 Uses Gaming Community Folium's Gaming Template. Also we do giveaways and invite yt sub rewards , ur Welcome :D. Hello people! It’s good to engage organically with your users to truly get to know their pain points, their demands, and using this to better your product and community. Explore more tags below to find discord servers related to your interests using the most advanced public list! Playfull Co-Op Challenges — Winners Take All! We may take a number of steps, including issuing a warning, removing the content, or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible. Boosted servers show up more frequently, and the more tokens used for boosting, the higher position the listing will receive. the server is for support. Well, I've created several successful Discord servers, including the Monster Hunter Gathering Hall (120,000+ members, game community), a bot support server (7,000+ members), and two bot community servers (100,000+ members and 50,000+ members). Discord Servers Community. Well, this is the server you're looking for! We want to strengthen our brand’s purpose and mission, which is to encourage game play and the positive impact of gaming in general. For both players and developers. There are tons of Discord bots out there! - Many perks to server boosting. Community Server Easily customizable & chill community server. Post feature requests, report bugs, and have in-depth discussions about knowledge management. Put yourself in your users position and ask yourself what type of content and engagement would you want to see. P.S. I also help moderate several large servers, and I am a Discord partner. - Level 3 Boost! ☆ Active Calls ☆ Chill Chats ☆ Nitro Giveaways ☆ Addicting Bots ☆ Friendly ☆ And More! By using your tokens, you can help this server become even more popular. It definitely helps motivate the Playfull team to keep making updates and improvements knowing our users are so supportive. Adding too many bots can also be a negative though. ds.load template https://discord.new/ Q44CyBB59zDA what's this? If you come across a message that appears to break these rules, please report it to us. Discord Server Community. This is my Official Presidential Community Server [High Roles!]. :) Have fun with the server! The largest community ran Roblox server on Discord. #1 Social Discord Server With Over (300-400) Users Always On VC & Chat Never Dies! Follow us to stay connected with the Playfull gaming community. It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. Last Updated: May 19th, 2020. Mcquan is a server dedicated to yours truely, Mcquan! We also do various things such** **as, Daily giveaways, YouTube videos, Fun events, and many more to come! View Template. Huge shout-out to our Discord peeps, Alex Chapman and Leon Cho, for the community management on Discord . This Template was designed for Gaming Communities in mind. You're curious. Discord Community Guidelines. Listing Owner Sourblock#9840. Write on Medium. Since there isn´t a field to put a support server for the template. Find public discord servers to join and chat, or list your discord server here! Huge shout-out to our Discord peeps, Alex Chapman and Leon Cho, for the community management on Discord 2. :-) Join this Server. With this information, you can capitalize during that time frame to do a plethora of activities from basic conversations, tournaments, giveaways, and other forms of community engagement. Originally a creator-only Minecraft earth map server, but now a public network for anyone to play on! (discord.gg/catboy) Be Authentic. Creator Sourblock#4257 Used 993 time(s) When Playfull first started out, there was no way for our community to engage with us. Build your own kingdom. Add my discord sebby#0909 for further questions! Ever just wanted to create a simple serv… Every user of Discord should feel like their voice can be heard, but not at the expense of someone else. GAwesome Bot. A friendly fan community server of famous YouTuber SSSniperwolf! It´s extremely important that you do what it says. There is no 100% foolproof method to create a successful Discord. An ** **amazing community that is very welcoming. Simple Server Template. This is a friendly discord community for people who play hearts of iron 4 Roles Gveaways Noob friendly Hosting games 2000+ Members Over 90 custom emotes. Our team works hard to give you the tools to find the best community. Discord has been a HUGE platform that allows us to genuinely understand our users. Get help, ask quick questions, and get to know other Obsidian users and their setup! You should create a Discord server with the right intentions. The overwhelming majority of people use Discord responsibly, so these guidelines may seem obvious. Do what works for you and your brand. ** **We are an amazing community that can fufill all your discord needs. Make a YouTube video explaining how to join the community server. We created Discord to help people come together around games. Come and join. DEL's Server ... Login with Discord. Too much of a good thing is bad too. Hello people! Another kind are the moderator bots. This server is made for Streamers and Youtubers • Also, it can be a community server too! We have advanced search algorithms, thousands of categories, and detailed information about each server … We created Discord to help people come together around games. READ MY STATUS Here pls join you can find the server link on my status soo yeet! A fun community discord server with over 100k users!