Links. [/math] \mbox{Node HP Reduction Percentage} = 0.15 \times \sqrt{ \text{Submarine Fleet Power} } + 0.25 \times (\text{Average Submarine Fleet Level} - \text{Enemy Level}) Hard Mode has a limited number of entries per day. Bringing you plenty of comics to make you love Azur Lane even more! 2 & X \le 25 \\ This accuracy (probability of hitting) is determined by two factors: the hit of the shooter (a hidden stat) and the (evasion) of the target. {\sum_i^N \text{numberof}(\text{Plane}_i)} \times 2.2 Reduces likelihood of encountering Ambush/Airstrikes by 12%. [/math], [math] \text{Stat} (1 + \text{StatBonus}) [/math], [math] \text{LevelAdvantage} = 1 + (\text{AttackerLevel} - \text{DefenderLevel} + \text{DangerLevel}) \times 0.02 [/math], [math] \text{LevelAdvantage} = 1 + (\text{AttackerLevel} - \text{DefenderLevel}) \times 0.02 [/math], [math] \text{EquipmentReloadTime} [/math],, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Furthermore, Destoyers have low defenses, so you have to be careful not to be hit by powerful attacks. All three main damage types could be affected by various other factors, most notably ammo (at 0 ammo you dealt -50% damage), while the several extra damage types will ignore it. By: Mimeyoi. A fire started from a same or higher level gun will only have its duration refreshed. \text{FinalDamage} &= \left( \text{CrashDamage} \times \frac{100 + \text{AirPower}}{100} Skill created ordnance are ordnance dropped by those aircraft created by carrier skills. Repair ships have a Limit Break improvement Team ammo +1 which increases the starting and maximum ammo capacity to 6 of their fleet. Unfortunately, many human-like emotions were passed on to these warships, and a … By: Our Treasure. Loss of the player's flagship or entire escort fleet will result in a loss. If there is only one victory condition available, all victories are S-rank by default. &\times \left(1 + \text{CriticalBit} \times (0.5 + \text{CriticalModifier})\right) Increases HP of Carrier-based aircraft by 50. Increases main gun critical damage by 15%. The formulas would look like this (Note: The "LevelAdvantage" here is not the same as the "LevelAdvantage" in the Damage formulas). As your danger level increases, the icon will turn to orange, then blue, then finally green which is the highest danger level you can attain in a map. Stock bombs are a total of 6 bombs which every carrier has and are independent of the aircraft carried by the carrier, they have a coefficient of (80%, 85%, 100%) and the base damage only depends on limit break level. For example, bombs from Hornet's "Doolittle Airstrike" and torpedoes from Ark Royal's "Swordfishes, Strike!". Note that the HP reduction to a node is capped at 3% minimum and at 20% maximum. Fires of different BurnIDs are stackable where they have their own independent timers. However, note that a fleet's stats won't contribute to meeting stage stat requirements until at least one ship in both the main and escort fleet components of that fleet meet type requirements. Increases HP of Carrier-based aircraft by 140. Provides aerial reconnaissance, decreasing Ambush chance by 10.0% and increasing Ambush evasion chance by 10.0%. \text{Modernization} A fire started from a lower level gun will be replaced by a fire from a higher level gun. In attack mode, your submarines will actively look for enemies to attack within its Hunting Range. PRE-ORDER. Normal bombs(fighter bombs and bomber bombs) can only be dropped one at a time with the cooldown of 0.1s for each bomb types for each aircraft. \begin{align} \end{align} Destroyers have the highest fire rate in the game, but they don’t beat cruiser ships in terms of firepower. There are also non-combat nodes that appear in various maps: This is what a map looks like. Azur Lane Ping Hai (Merry Summer) Figure . Attacking a node will cost the sub fleet one ammo. &+ \left ( To add on to this, your damage received will be again reduced multiplicatively. [/math], [math] The formulas are listed here: [math] Valiant's skill Leading the Way can apply armor break to any target and is able to stack with other sources of armor break. Azur Lane Tier List created and supported by Azur Lane Official's #gameplay-help channel and a bunch of AL veterans from various servers.This tier list ranks the ship's performanc Ships equipped with this are classified as "µ" ships, Limit one of any oxygen increasing aux per ship; cannot equip alongside. This series is focused on Akagi-chan and her antics around the base. So you have just started playing Azur Lane, the mobile shmup RPG featuring ship girls based on WW2-era warships, which has been gaining popularity worldwide.After getting … Currently there are three main types of barrage in game: Armor breaking or shattering is a skill of AP battleship main gun rounds, SHS rounds (Massachusetts and Georgia), or main gun fire from Baltimore by means of her skill. The primary function of the Danger Level function is to counteract this level disadvantage you might encounter in higher chapters by reducing damage taken; however, when you reach "Safe," the Danger Level function will help you to deal more damage. \end{align} When your ships have more levels than the enemy, you deal 2% more damage and receive 2% less damage for each level above the enemy until you have 25 levels over the enemy (or 50% damage increased/decreased). eHP means Effective Health Pool. To provide an example, let's say the max Danger Level of a map is 8 and you are facing an enemy 10 levels above your ships. \end{align} The ordnance are dropped in a specific order and pattern when launching an airstrike. Air Incapability does not occur when effective enemy ACV ≤ 450, conditions that results in Air Incapability will get Air Denial instead. As illustrated by the formulas, the artificial levels at Safe Mode are still affected by the same cap that regular levels are. [/math], [math]\text{LevelAdvantage} = \text{AlliedShipLevel} - \text{EnemyShipLevel}[/math], [math]\text{LevelAdvantage} = \text{AlliedShipLevel} - \text{EnemyShipLevel} + \text{DangerLevel}[/math], [math]-25 \le \text{LevelAdvantage} \le 25[/math], [math]\text{DamageReduction} = 1 - \dfrac{100 - 2 \times \text{LevelAdvantage}}{100} \times \dfrac{100 - 2 \times \text{DangerLevel}}{100}[/math], [math]\text{DamageBonus} = \dfrac{2 \times \text{LevelAdvantage}}{100}[/math], [math]\text{FleetMovement}(X) = (\text{AverageFleetSpeed}) \end{align} When multiple equipment of the same type are equipped, the highest effect takes precedence. Corn Lantern ★★★★★ 120 24 When equipped by a Hololive ship: decreases their damage taken by 4.0% Hyper-focusing on just a few ships to the exclusion of your larger dock isn't very helpful for the harder, higher reward events. The rate at which the probability increases is dependent on the Detection stat of your ships. Damage formula is as follows: [math] The reason for this is the game rounding up to the next multiple of 5, while the wiki calculation rounds up to the next integer. Flood damage is caused every 3 seconds, the first instance at 3 seconds after the effect is inflicted. This value represents your fleet's ability to do air-to-air combat. &\times \text{ArmourModifier} \times \text{LevelAdvantage} \times (1 + \text{AmmoBuff} + \text{DamageBonus}) \times (1+ \text{ACVBonus}) \\ Once a day, one severely damaged or even sunk ship may be restored to full health for free by clicking them. \end{align} &\times (1 - \text{EnemyDefenseBuff}) \times \text{EnemyAirDamageResistance} Japanese servers(アズールレーン) opened up on … Enemy fleets also have their own Airspace Control Value, which will be compared against your fleet's value to determine Airspace Control state. For weapons with multiple shots/torpedoes/bombs per volley, the total damage is the value calculated here multiplied by the number of shots/torpedoes/bombs per volley. Both normal bombs and stock bombs have their target already selected, prioritizing elites/humanoid targets, upon launching an airstrike. Amazon's Study Hall. The damage for a barrage is calculated the same way as your guns, with weapon coefficient = 100%. It is recommended that players make their best efforts to achieve S ranks when farming for boss node drop-only ships, such as Akagi (3-4), Kaga (3-4), Yuudachi (6-4), Maya (8-4), Niizuki (9-4) or Jintsuu (10-4). However, it will not cost any oil to attack a node. \text{ReloadTime} = \text{WeaponReloadTime} \times \sqrt{\dfrac{200}{\text{Reload}\times( 1 + \text{StatBonus} ) + 100}} [/math], [math] A CL gun that applies a fire afterwards would replace the fire from Artillery Cover. \text{Air Parity} & 0.75 \lt X \le 1.3 \\ With Tia Lynn Ballard, Kristen McGuire, Rachael Messer, Madeleine Morris. \text{LaunchCooldown} = \dfrac{\sum_i^N \left( \text{cooldown}(\text{Plane}_i) \times \text{numberof}(\text{Plane}_i) \right)} 1. + \text{SkillBonus})}{100} \times \text{FloodCoefficient} + 10 Increases a submarine's Speed by 20% and moves it forward another 8 units after it enters battle. The total damage received at danger level 8 will be calculated like this: ((1.04*Enemy DMG)*.84). For ease of calculation, make sure your ships do not have any equipment. Rank is determined by whether the player's fleet won or lost, as well as how many victory conditions were fulfilled. Mean results can be seen in this plot: The reload time is dependent on the (Reload) of your ships. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Azur Lane Cygnet (Sea Star on Shore) 1/8 Scale Figure. 0 Retrofit; 1 Azur Lane Wiki; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. The coverage of AA fire is outlined by the dotted lines surrounding your escort fleet. Société spécialisée dans le transport routier de voyageurs, Azur Evasion a vu le jour en 2007. Her only downside is that she doesn’t really synergize with anyone else. \text{Airpower} + \text{AA} + \text{Reload} + \text{ASW} + \text{Speed} \\ All content must be related to Azur Lane. Danger level can either be denoted by how many levels or maximum to minimum (for this case we are going to use levels). Service began on May 25th, 2017 for iOS and June 2nd, 2017 for Android. Ships can be rearranged prior to combat at every node, but placing them well to start or arranging them well early on reduces the amount of time used to rearrange ships. Increases HP of Carrier-based aircraft by 120. For danger level modifiers, see the relevant section. \begin{cases} Currently there are only 6 sources of flood damage in the game. \text{ReloadTime} = \text{WeaponReloadTime} \times \sqrt{\dfrac{200}{\text{Reload}\times( 1 + \text{StatBonus} ) + 100}} The value is determined by your ships' Aviation and the aircraft they have equipped (not including ASW aircraft). If an Ammo Node is encountered and the fleet is at maximum, no ammo will be picked up and the node will still be available for future use. There are 13 visible ship stats in this game, with a fixed 10th hidden stat which decides how fast the ships you control move when you control them. Some meowficers increase tile movement by one. Line Ahead: Increases Firepower and Torpedo by 15%, but reduces Evasion by 10% (Applies only to Vanguard fleet) 2. When a shell/torpedo/bomb hits a character, there is a probability that it will be counted as a miss and the character will not take any damage. &+ \text{AccuracyVsShipTypeSkill} - \text{EvasionRateSkill} Each node in the column gives power equal to the column value PLUS any stats gained from that node. Fighting with 0 ammo becomes common later in the game with Defeat all enemies requiring 10 or more enemies to be defeated and some maps requiring 6 or even 7 battles to spawn the boss. Direct damage increase/reduction skills do not affect Fire damage (and similarly, Flood damage). Venus Awakening Gem: When equipped by a Venus Vacation collab character: increases that ship's DMG dealt by 3.0%. For example, if an Elite Torpedo Bulge is equipped with a Normal Torpedo Bulge, the damage reduction effect will be 30%. [/math]. アズールレーン4コママンガ びそくぜんしんっ! Evasion 19 → 49: Anti-Air 62 → 291: Aviation 83 → 394: Oil 4 → 13: ASW 0 → 0: Luck 93 Speed 32 Slot Proficiency: Equipment Type: Limit Break: 110%/125% Fighter: 1: ... More Azur Lane Wiki. For example, Lexington class's Artillery Cover applies a Level 1(DD) fire. For instance, if Chapter 6 Fleet 2's Escort ships were placed in order DD-CA-CL, the DD will be the front ship by default, not the CA. [/math], [math] Post event related content to the pinned Event Megathread when applicable. Each fleet starts with 5 ammo. This skill does not stack. \dfrac{{\text{AttackerHit}}}{\text{AttackerHit} + \text{DefenderEvasion} + 2000} Furthermore, how damage reduction is calculated changes when you change Safe Mode. Reduces damage taken from torpedoes by 10%. Let's Go Luna! You can move around your ships with the joystick at the bottom left corner of the screen, pause the game by pressing the pause button at the top right corner of the screen, enter auto mode by pressing the button at the top left corner of the screen, or use special skills by pressing the three buttons at the bottom right of your screen. Increases flight speed of Carrier-based aircraft by 5. They are listed in the respective equipment pages. &\times \left(1 + \text{CriticalBit} \times (0.5 + \text{CriticalModifier})\right) Does not stack with skills that have similar effect; only the highest source of DMG reduction applies. The 14 stats: Victory within X seconds. \end{align} In combat, a fleet of the player's choosing is placed in an instanced, side-scrolling shooter, and must eliminate all spawned ships (including kamikaze ships, but not planes or submarines) in order to proceed. + \left ( Multiple sources of the above armor break does not stack. This is because at safe mode, each danger level will act as an artificial level added to your ship. $209 99. [/math], [math]\min \left( 0.05 \cdot \text{OwnShipMaxHP}, 0.025 \cdot \sqrt{\text{OwnShipMaxHP} \cdot \text{OtherShipMaxHP}} \right) \cdot \left(1 + \text{OtherShipRamAttackBonus} \right) \cdot \left(1 - \text{OwnShipRamDefenseBonus} \right)[/math]. Azure Lane for PC is the best PC games download website for fast and easy downloads on your favorite games. [math] SSR: Yuudachi- One of the top Destroyers in Azur Lane, this ship can deal massive damage even when its torpedoes are on cooldown thanks to its 6% chance to boost rate of fire, firepower, torpedo damage, and evasion by 40% for 8 seconds on firing the main gun. \text{Air Supremacy} & X \gt 2 \\ Ships which have already been sunk before the battle will not count towards this. The number of ship levels you have over an enemy (or vice versa) is critical in winning your battles. Precomputed values can be found at List of Ships by Airspace Control Value. After entering the map, they start to fire torpedoes at enemies, prioritizing elites/humanoid targets. [/math]. The seas were taken over by a mysterious enemy known only as "sirens". \times \left( 1- \dfrac {\text{NumberofShips} - 1 }{ 50 } \right) [/math], [math]\text{TileMovement} = There are currently two ships/items that reduce the DMG penalty when your fleet is out of ammo, with Gloucester reducing the effect by 5-15% (depending on skill level) for your whole fleet, and Unfulfilled Promise, when equipped on Bismarck, reducing the effect by 15% for your main fleet only. This will destroy the equipment in exchange for coins and possibly other materials. Heart Key: When sortieing with a character equipped with this gear: changes the battle music. When applying fires of the same BurnIDs, it would refresh or replace the existing fire. No friendly ships which entered the battle are sunk. Azur Lane 4-koma: Bisoku Zenshin! [/math]. {4 \times (\text{MapSurveyValue} + \text{ReconValue})} If the time expires, you will immediately be expelled from the map and will have to start it over. [/math]. Every 5s, restores 15 HP to the most damaged ship. Download Azur Lane apk 5.1.6 for Android. [/math], [math] The shell type modifiers are further divided by gun types. Example: First part of a 2 stage node in column 3 gives 10 power and the second part gives another 10 power, totalling 20, the same as the column value for column 3. Note that you cannot traverse tiles with landmasses, nor can you travel through tiles with enemy ships. The reload time of a guns is affected by the (Reload) of your ship. {\text{AttackerHit} + \text{DefenderEvasion} + 2} \\ For nodes that have multiple stages, all stages add up to the column value. Critical damage has a base damage modifier of 150%, and any other equipment modifiers adds additively to the base modifier. \times \dfrac{100 + \text{Firepower} \times (1 + \text{FormationBonus} A fan comic posted to r/AzureLane by u/Cpl_Ethane, Akagi^2 is based on the mobile game Azur Lane, which is about anthropomorphised WWII ships. Cote d'azur Evasion, Six-Fours-les-Plages. &\times \left(1 + \text{CriticalBit} \times (0.5 + \text{CriticalModifier})\right) \text{FinalDamage} &= \left[ \text{WeaponBaseDamage} \times \text{WeaponCoefficient} \times \text{SlotEfficiency} \times \left(1 + \frac{\text{Torpedo}}{100}\times (1 + \text{FormationBonus} + \text{TRPSkillBonus})\right) + \text{random({0,1,2})}\right]\\ Danger level is available for all normal and hardmode maps and selected event maps. The last column will always have a column value of 50. \text{ACV} &= \frac{\text{Aviation}}{100} \times \left ( \dfrac{\text{ShipLevel}}{100} + 0.8 \right ) \\ Easy to play and a lot of warships to choose from. \right ) Destroyers are part of the vanguard fleet, which are the three ships you control in battle. Azur Lane Prince of Wales (The Laureate's Victory Lap) 1/4 Scale Figure. + \frac{\text{ShipLevel}}{2} \right) \times (\text{CurrentPlaneHP} \% \times 0.7 + 0.3)\\ \text{Air Superiority} & 1.3 \lt X \le 2 \\ You can move your fleet around in this interface by clicking on the tile you want to go to. These unique fires are listed below and their properties. The state of Airspace Control can be determined with this formula: [math]\dfrac{\text{AllyACV}}{\text{EffectiveEnemyACV}}= Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! If your danger level is 7 (which is not Safe), then your ships will only receive less damage. \end{align} [/math], [math] The total stats of the specified two types in fleets that meet the second requirement is greater than the required total.